Soluții financiare pentru părinți

Apariția unui copil în viața unui cuplu vine cu foarte multă bucurie și împlinire dar și cu schimbări majore. Fiecare aspect al vieții va fi influențat, de la rutina zilnică până la perspectivele și prioritățile sale. Situația financiară se va schimba și ea atunci când apare un nou membru în…

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Romsilva va reîmpăduri peste 340 hectare fond forestier afectate de calamități cu fonduri din Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență

Regia Națională a Pădurilor – Romsilva va reîmpăduri 341,1 hectare afectate de calamități, precum doborâturi de vânt, atacuri de dăunători sau fenomenul de uscare, cu o investiție de 18.266.449 lei, fonduri europene accesate prin Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență. Din acestea, 43,93 hectare sunt administrate de către Direcția Silvică…

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Vacations without kids

One of the reasons for which I will cease having holidays during summer is the presence of children in my zone. I have nothing against them. I even find them fascinating when observing them from the 3rd person perspective. They seem more independent when thinking and more self-confident than adults….

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Vacations without kids

One of the reasons for which I will cease having holidays during summer is the presence of children in my zone. I have nothing against them. I even find them fascinating when observing them from the 3rd person perspective. They seem more independent when thinking and more self-confident than adults….

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Vacations without kids

One of the reasons for which I will cease having holidays during summer is the presence of children in my zone. I have nothing against them. I even find them fascinating when observing them from the 3rd person perspective. They seem more independent when thinking and more self-confident than adults….

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Vacations without kids

One of the reasons for which I will cease having holidays during summer is the presence of children in my zone. I have nothing against them. I even find them fascinating when observing them from the 3rd person perspective. They seem more independent when thinking and more self-confident than adults….

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